Korbinian Spielvogel

Hack The Box Writeup - SwagShop

SwagShop is an easy Linux box. In this machine, a very well known ecommerce platform called Magento had to be investigated. During the enumeration, we quickly realized that the software is rather o...

Hack The Box Writeup - Writeup

Writeup is an easy Linux box. The box required us to exploit a known vulnerability in a well known CMS, which gave us the credentials for the inital user access. Finally, after enumerating the syst...

Hack The Box Writeup - Networked

Networked is an easy Linux box. This box was an amazing opportunity to practice code auditing skills. First, a flaw in the PHP upload mechanism had to be found to gain initial access to the system....

Hack The Box Writeup - Forest

Forest is an easy Windows box. By enumerating the SMB and RPC services, we obtained a list of available usernames. These usernames were then used to perform an AS-REP Roasting attack that resulted ...

Hack The Box Writeup - Backdoor

Backdoor is an easy Linux box. By exploiting a common vulnerability in one of Wordpress’ installed plugins, we were able to disclose arbitrary files on the system. Using this technique, we were abl...

Hack The Box Writeup - Active

Active is an easy Windows box. The main objective of this box is to enumerate and exploit several open ports of the target Domain Controller. First, by enumerating the SMB shares, we were able to o...

Hack The Box Web Challenge - baby nginxatsu

Description Can you find a way to login as the administrator of the website and free nginxatsu? Solution Looking at the provided URL , we see the following: Default pa...

Hack The Box Writeup - Meta

Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: rustscan --ulimit 5000 meta.htb -- sV -sC -oN nmap_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 22/tcp open ssh sy...

Hack The Box Writeup - Timing

Port - Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: └─$ rustscan -a timing.htb -- -sC -sV -oN port_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 22/tcp open ssh ...

Hack The Box Writeup - Shibboleth

Port - Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: └─$ rustscan -a shibboleth.htb -- -sC -sV -oN port_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 80/tcp open ht...

Hack The Box Writeup - Devzat

Devzat is a medium Linux box. The main objective of this box was to abuse several web application vulnerabilities. First, the source code of the web application was obtained via a forgotten .git fo...

Hack The Box Writeup - Secret

Port - Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: └─$ rustscan -a -- -sC -sV -oN port_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION 22/tcp open ...

Hack The Box Writeup - Writer

Port - Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: └─$ rustscan -a -- -sC -sV -oN port_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION ...

Hack The Box Writeup - Bolt

Bolt is a medium Linux box. First, we had to heavily enumerate the existing web application to find all its subdomains and its functionalities. At some point, by analysing the downloaded Docker Ima...

Hack The Box Writeup - Seal

Enumeration As always, we start by scanning the target machine’s open ports: rustscan --ulimit 5000 -- sV -sC -oN nmap_scan PORT STATE SERVICE REASON VERSION ...